The Ichiban basketball team coached by none other than Gene Watts and John Smrcina ended the season undefeated and GP YMCA Champions!! Way to go boys!!! What better way to celebrate than with ICE CREAM SUNDAES!!!

Is your mouth watering yet? I had some of the boys over and we went and bought stuff to make homemade sundaes. They each picked out their topping of choice and had fun making a mess...I mean their desert! :)

This is before they had all the sugar if you can believe that! After they ate their masterpiece, they went back in the playroom to play some basketball. Did I mention they had pizza before that....ugh...makes me sick thinking about playing after eating all of that.

I look over and see that Logan has convinced his buddy Cameron to sit down under the goal so he could dunk over him. Logan has obviously been listening to too many "Glory Days" stories from his daddy..haha.

Don't worry...luckily Cameron survived the whole thing! :)
It was another busy weekend at the Watts house. I had a volleyball tournament on top of the basketball games and baseball practice and Gene had his usual basketball training. But SPRING BREAK is a week away and I am sooooo looking forward to waking up without the help of my alarm clock and getting stuff done around the house.
Have a great week!!
Way to go CHAMPS!! The ice cream party sure looked yummy....they must've had a ball getting to eat all of that stuff!
The action shots of Logan shootin' hoops cracked me up! Too funny :)
That's awesome--an undefeated season!! I am looking SO forward to spring break too!
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