Thursday, November 20, 2008

Being a Coach's Wife

My handsome honey before his game

I am a coach myself but more importantly, I'm a coach's wife. Filling this role includes many late nights, a lot of talk about stats, hours of watching game film and then hearing the play by play of the game you just watched. Gene and I definitely don't have the regular 9-5 day but not many people can say they love what they do. Gene took on the boys' team this year so he doing double duty. His girls' team is 2-2 and his boys' team is 5-0. He is the best coach, always matter how good the athlete...he treats them all the same. There have been so many stories and poems about him and letters written to him about what a difference he has made in his players' lives. So all those long hours...they are worth it. He has helped encourage so many young kids and will continue to reach many more. I am proud of you honey. Here's to a great season...with both teams!! Love~your biggest fan ;)

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