Gene with his Seniors (and of course Logan who sneaks in all the pictures)
I've already mentioned how busy basketball season has been for us....lots of late nights and going non-stop 7 days a week. I'm coaching a club volleyball team this year so that has added to the mayhem. We have been blessed to have the opportunity to work with some great kids and hopefully they have learned as much from us as we have from them. Despite staying so busy with our jobs, we still have to keep up with the kids and their activities.....like reading to Logan's class.

Of course Logan picked the book, "J is for Jump Shot" :) I enjoyed reading to his class and spending time with my son who is getting so big.

Of course Logan picked the book, "J is for Jump Shot" :) I enjoyed reading to his class and spending time with my son who is getting so big.
This week we had to head to Houston for the SPC Tournament. I had to leave early for an Athletic Director's meeting and the team buses left later. Below is what my house looked like when my boss came to pick me up. I was bummed that I couldn't stay and play in the snow with the kiddos. We got a total of 8-10 inches which is the most I ever remember seeing in all the years I've lived here.

Unfortunately Gene's best player got hurt in the 1st minute of their first game and the team wasn't the same after that. Their hope of winning the SPC Championship fell quickly. Everyone that is involved in sports knows that can happen to anyone at anytime.

Saints Varsity Basketball 2010

Saints Varsity Basketball 2010
Since my parents and sisters live in Houston, we were able to have a little time with them. They met us at the Galleria for dinner and then the kiddos spent the night with them and my sister Mill.

My parents....AKA...Nana and Papa
The grandkids with their Nana and Papa.

My sister Jess and her boys weren't able to make it but hopefully we will see them soon.

My mom, my prego sister, Mill and me....can't wait until my niece Kendall is born!!!

Being goofy...
Day 2 of the tournament...you could tell everyone was getting a little tired and ready to be home. I'm very proud of our school. We are the smallest school in the conference and 3 out of 4 of our teams made the DI bracket of the tournament.

Family pic...in the gym and "Coach Gene" is being silly

I apologize for this crazy post...I know it was all over the place. Basketball season is officially over and I start with my tennis team on Tuesday. I would appreciate if Mother Nature would get with my calendar.....tennis is no fun in 30 degree weather!!

Being goofy...
Day 2 of the tournament...you could tell everyone was getting a little tired and ready to be home. I'm very proud of our school. We are the smallest school in the conference and 3 out of 4 of our teams made the DI bracket of the tournament.

Family pic...in the gym and "Coach Gene" is being silly
We left Houston Saturday afternoon and our kids always think it is so cool to ride the charter bus. They have so much fun bugging the big kids and watching movies. Logan has a crush on Shea, one of the girls basketball players! :) He asked her to sit by him and she opted just to take a pic with him...ha!

She is one of my volleyball players and if she sticks with it, she will be playing in college one day. Lucky girl is coming to babysit tomorrow so I can take the hubby to dinner for his birthday. Logan is so excited! :)

She is one of my volleyball players and if she sticks with it, she will be playing in college one day. Lucky girl is coming to babysit tomorrow so I can take the hubby to dinner for his birthday. Logan is so excited! :)
One of the movies we watched on the bus ride home was the LeBron James story. It is a great film that shows how he ended up where he is now. I never knew this but he played with the same boys since he was 8 or 9 years old. They called each other the "Fab 5". They reminded me of Logan and his buddies that he plays basketball and baseball with....Dev, Cam, and Zack have been playing together since they were 4 or 5 years old. Logan had to miss his games this Saturday since he was in Houston but they didn't need him at all...they kicked butt! They love playing together and they always ask to hang out with each other when they aren't playing sports. If you like sports and haven't seen the LeBron story...you need to check it out. After watching it, Logan wanted to me to film and take pics of him trying to dunk. He asked me to put his video on YouTube....really?
Logan dunking his Sponge Bob ball.... you gotta start somewhere! :)
Logan dunking his Sponge Bob ball.... you gotta start somewhere! :)

I apologize for this crazy post...I know it was all over the place. Basketball season is officially over and I start with my tennis team on Tuesday. I would appreciate if Mother Nature would get with my calendar.....tennis is no fun in 30 degree weather!!
Happy Valentines Day everyone!!
Many Blessings,
That picture of Logan is awesome! I showed it to Justin & he got a kick out of it too! When are we doing lunch? Are you guys out of town on Saturday (Cecilia's party)? I'm sure you busy, but I'd love for you guys to come by!
WOW Amanda, you are one busy gal! Enjoyed reading about what's going on in your life. Great pictures....you have such a beautiful family :)
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