My dear friend, Jenny is moving to Memphis and I am super excited for the opportunity for her husband and their family but also super sad. I will miss her and her sweet girls.

Jenny came to coach with me 5 years ago. Her hubby was hired as one of the TCU football coaches. She wanted to coach just to get out of the house for a little bit. How lucky could I get!! She was a former college coach and DI volleyball player. We all instantly became good friends!

We hung out together at football games...shopped....got manis together but most often just enjoyed some good girl chat and laughs....mostly at Whitney's expense. Just kiddin Whit! :)

My kids love playing with Cecilia and I have already promised them we would go visit the Fuentes in Tiger Country! ROAD TRIP!!

Fun...froggy style! :)
I am thankful that God blessed me with such a sweet friend. Jenny is such a devoted wife and wonderful mom. I will miss her and those sweet girls but look forward to all the opportunities that are in store for her and her family. Thank you Jenny for being such a great friend.