A lot has been going on this month (seems like every month) and it is now officially SUMMER!! Can you hear the words of Kenny Chesney "Perfect song on the radio, sing along cause it's what we know. It's a smile, it's a kiss, it's a sip of wine, it's a summertime..sweet summertime."

As the kids enjoyed their end of year party on the water bounce houses that took place on our football field, I also started singing to some Will Smith. "Summer Summer Summertime, time to sit back and unwind." That song never gets old!!
Before the end of the year party came field day. Trin and her sweet friend, Cameron were excited to participate in the games but unfortunately they only got to play one time before the storms hit.

Kansas and her buddies are now big 6th graders. Can't believe only 1 more year until they are in middle school....I don't even want to think about it!

Logan thought it would be cool to get some pink hair for field day and of course he is sporting his favorite McDonald All-American basketball shorts.

Me and the hubs were ready to watch the action but instead we had to corral all the lower school kids into the gym and shuttle them back to class.
Once we got the kids into the gym, they were able to sign each other's shirts which has been a field day tradition for years. Love that picture of my 2 favorite guys.

Of course the day after field day was graduation. Since Kansas celebrated her birthday earlier in the week(bad mom for not making a birthday post) she had a couple of her besties over to spend the night. We took them to see Pirates of the Carribean. They are the sweetest girls and had a blast hanging out together. They even were troopers and woke up early the next morning so they could help pass out programs at graduation! How pretty are those 3!!

Love getting family pics even though the other members of my family don't like it. :) TOO BAD!We were all dressed up for graduation so I thought I would get a picture. Go figure Logan had already taken off his dress shirt and bowtie!

After graduation we got to visit with our cousin, Jasmine! She was in town with her mom helping her auntie move. Love hanging with family. Wish Tiffany could have hung with us but she was being a helpful sister and helping with the move.

Sunday was actually a day off but Monday morning bright and early I headed to my annual SPC Athletic Director's retreat. This year it was held at Horseshoe Bay Resort on Lake LBJ.

It was absolutely beautiful!! I strongly suggest it for a family vacay. They have lots to do for kiddos and the food is fabulous!!

I know this pic is out of order but I had to get it in....Logan signing his daddy's shirt. Too cute!
Well it is officially SUMMERTIME!! I know it will fly by but I am going to enjoy it nonetheless. Looking forward to visiting family in California...beyond EXCITED!!! Hope everyone has a safe and relaxing summer!