I haven't blogged since our Kemah trip but it's not because there isn't much to write about....it's just we have been super busy! I had a volleyball tournament on both weekends of spring break. Trinity played the first weekend and I got to coach her team. I had fun with them and they even WON SILVER in the 12 and under division!!!

My sweet girl with the hardware.....#2 on the roster, #1 in my heart! :) I'm not sure how thrilled she was having me coach her team because of course I was extra hard on her. She is playing up 2 ages but she holds her own and I am very proud of her!

Silver Division Champions....TAV 11 VB Rags Black!!!
The following Saturday we got to go interview as a family for a reality TV show about "Extreme Sports Families". We had to go to the Las Colinas Movie Studios and it was a neat experience.

This is the mural that is on one of the walls at the studio. Inside it had sets and all sorts of props. It felt like you walked right into a studio in Hollywood! The director and producer were super nice and there was a camera man filming the entire interview. Of course it had to be about sports for my family to be involved in it! :) I heard about it through a friend at work who received an email about the show. She forwarded it to me cause she thought we would be the perfect family. :) When we left the interview, Logan said "Mommy, we are going to get picked." I said "You think so?" and he replied, "I don't think, I know!" How about that for a 7 year old...love that attitude!! :) If they do choose us, filming will only take 3 days. I'll make sure to post when we hear something!
Speaking of that sweet, 7 year old...he sure does make a good ball boy

So spring break came to an end which means back to work and school. It's hard to believe but my tennis season is done in about 6 weeks and then it will be May!! Wow...where does the time go? I'm hoping to be able to make my annual trip to San Diego to spend time with my Auntie Liz and family in June. With the way these gas prices are going...not sure I can afford a ticket!!

Ichiban has started back up for Gene and since the girls are playing with the program, it means more time in the gym for the Watts' Family! :) I do miss watching Logan play baseball right now but I just want his arm to completely heal so he can get back into the sports that he loves so much.
We did have a few hours during the break to do some car shopping. My sweet Sally is doing her best to get around town but she is getting close to 200,000 miles!! She is a very reliable Mom-mobile though! :) But if I could pick ANY vehicle I wanted, it would be this beauty.

I've wanted a truck for the last 20 years at least....since I was 5...wink wink. As nice is that machine is above, I don't think I will ever buy a vehicle for 65K...even if I had the money!!
Well if you have'nt already fallen asleep or shut off your computer....I will close with life is busy but blessed and I really don't think I could function if I wasn't always going non-stop. I'm excited to say that I think I may be finished with my Master's degree by December. I'm loving the technology class I'm taking right now. I've learned a lot and actually look forward to the work.
I hope everyone has a great weekend....thanks for stopping by!