Today was the annual Kindergarten Cinderella Ball. The boys dress as Knights or Princes and the girls dress and Princesses. When my girls were in kindergarten, they were easy. I just stuck them both in a flower girl dress that I had from when Kansas was in a wedding. I was glad to get some good use out of it...I paid $100 for the dang thing! But now that I have a "Prince" that is involved, I had to try and be creative. Logan kept asking me if he could wear what he wore to my sister's wedding. He calls it "his tux" by the way. :) I let him wear the top part and I got him baseball pants and long white socks for the bottom part of his outfit so it would look somewhat 1800's!

The Royal Court taking a walk around campus to show off their attire. No, that is not one large Kindergartner in the Knight suit, that is Pat Green! He was the MC for the event and he was too funny.

Prince Logan and his Princess....Yes, we even had a "Cinderella" attend the event. Oh yea...we're big time. :)

Logan dancing with his Princess.

Mrs. Yater's Royal Court....

After all the dancing they got to enjoy a royal feast...

Giving his momma some lovin.....

and of course he has plenty for daddy as well...

Once again the Kindergarten teachers pulled off a super cute event!! These guys will be dressing in their cap and gowns for graduation before we know it. I will be sure to pull these pictures out when that time comes.....until then, I will enjoy the time with my little Prince.

2010 All Saints' Cinderella Ball