Gene's game against ESD was highlighted on High School Sports Extra and the clip is now on Prep ticket. I was sitting 6 inches to the left of Matt Doherty, the SMU coach. I almost had my 5 seconds of fame...haha. Check it out below. The Eagles may have survived this match up but I bet we will see them again at the SPC Tournament!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
1 weekend + 4 teams = pure exhaustion
We started our weekend at Gene's game in Dallas. ESD is the 2 time defending SPC Division I Champions in boys basketball. The gym was packed and everyone was ready for a great match up between 2 very talented teams. I got to sit by Matt Doherty, the SMU basketball coach. He played college ball at UNC with Michael Jordan back in the day....pretty cool. He was a lot of fun to talk basketball with during the game. The game came down to the last minute but unfortunately we had some costly turnovers and lost by 3. I am proud of Gene and his team. I'm quite sure we will see those Eagles again at the conference tournament!

I'm sure you see someone on the floor that looks like he doesn't belong in the shoot a round....but he thinks he does! Logan goes out there every game and warms up with the team.

Here he is again ready to take the floor....that boy cracks me up. Sometimes I think he may hang around high school boys too much. Last week he told me, "mommy...I have swagger." :)

Next up....Ichiban. Logan had 2 games on Saturday with his YMCA team, Ichiban. He begged Gene's point guard, Jalen to come watch him play. Despite losing a tough one Friday night, Jalen showed up for sweet is that!

For those of you that are wondering.....Ichiban (prounounced it-chee-bawn) means "number 1" in Japanese. Here you can see my wonderful husband modeling the jacket. The pretty girl next to him is my friend, Amanda. :)

The Ichiban coaches getting the team ready for the game. Wow...Gene already looks like he is stressed and the game hasn't even started! haha He is probably still thinking about the tough loss from the night before.

My baby boy making a lay up in warm up. I guess warming up with Gene's varsity has helped out....his form looks pretty good!

AIR-LOGAN.... :)

It was our first tournament and we struggled a little bit in pool play yesterday. Today though we came out ready to play and won 1st place in the silver bracket!! I'm so proud of those girls.
We started our weekend at Gene's game in Dallas. ESD is the 2 time defending SPC Division I Champions in boys basketball. The gym was packed and everyone was ready for a great match up between 2 very talented teams. I got to sit by Matt Doherty, the SMU basketball coach. He played college ball at UNC with Michael Jordan back in the day....pretty cool. He was a lot of fun to talk basketball with during the game. The game came down to the last minute but unfortunately we had some costly turnovers and lost by 3. I am proud of Gene and his team. I'm quite sure we will see those Eagles again at the conference tournament!

I'm sure you see someone on the floor that looks like he doesn't belong in the shoot a round....but he thinks he does! Logan goes out there every game and warms up with the team.

Here he is again ready to take the floor....that boy cracks me up. Sometimes I think he may hang around high school boys too much. Last week he told me, "mommy...I have swagger." :)

Next up....Ichiban. Logan had 2 games on Saturday with his YMCA team, Ichiban. He begged Gene's point guard, Jalen to come watch him play. Despite losing a tough one Friday night, Jalen showed up for sweet is that!

For those of you that are wondering.....Ichiban (prounounced it-chee-bawn) means "number 1" in Japanese. Here you can see my wonderful husband modeling the jacket. The pretty girl next to him is my friend, Amanda. :)

The Ichiban coaches getting the team ready for the game. Wow...Gene already looks like he is stressed and the game hasn't even started! haha He is probably still thinking about the tough loss from the night before.

My baby boy making a lay up in warm up. I guess warming up with Gene's varsity has helped out....his form looks pretty good!

AIR-LOGAN.... :)
I had to leave Logan's game and take Trinity to her game in Fort Worth. Next up...Inferno! Kansas spent the night at a friend's house who plays on the team so they met us at the gym. This gym is so dark so my pictures are not that great.

Trinity playing the point. She got fouled and made both foul shots. She was so excited!

The picture is not great but you can still tell who is dribbling the ball....those long legs give it away! Kansas did great with her cross-over move and scored 3 or 4 buckets for her team.
Last but not least was my club volleyball team, Pink Fury! I had to leave early from the girls game(thank you Megan for taking them home) and had to miss Logan's second game cause I had a tournament in Carrollton.

Trinity playing the point. She got fouled and made both foul shots. She was so excited!

The picture is not great but you can still tell who is dribbling the ball....those long legs give it away! Kansas did great with her cross-over move and scored 3 or 4 buckets for her team.
Last but not least was my club volleyball team, Pink Fury! I had to leave early from the girls game(thank you Megan for taking them home) and had to miss Logan's second game cause I had a tournament in Carrollton.

It was our first tournament and we struggled a little bit in pool play yesterday. Today though we came out ready to play and won 1st place in the silver bracket!! I'm so proud of those girls.
So it was a long weekend, coaching and cheering 4 teams on but it's what we do. My laundry is still piled up in the hall and I will be folding clothes until midnight but life is good! Have a great week!
Many Blessings,
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Not as bad as I thought....

I feel bad to say that I have never donated blood....until an hour ago. Today at school, Carter Blood Care came and I joined some friends and donated for the first time. It was not as bad as I thought. Needles are never fun but a little pain for a great cause is ok with me. Did I mention you get cookies afterwards!!!

I must say....this was my favorite part of the entire ordeal! :)
I'm glad I took part in this today and I look forward to helping every year. There are so many people out there that are in the hospital and need blood and when you are healthy and going about your daily lives, you tend to forget about those less fortunate. I want to do less forgetting and more helping!!!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Trophies...Instruments...Movies...Oh My
January is always a busy month for the Watts' household. The holidays are wrapping's the core of basketball season and the kids have a million things going makes my head spin just thinking about it!
Logan had a blast playing flag-football for the first time and last week we had their team dinner/trophy presentation at Mama's Pizza....can I get a mmmmm...yummy! Coach French was so courageous to coach the kindergarten boys and he did a great job. Thanks Coach!!

Logan and his he has a baseball, basketball and football trophy. Should we invest in a trophy case for him? :)

The Thunderbolts excited to get their trophies....or the pizza....

Logan and Christopher...these two have been watching Saints Football together since they were babies!

Kansas and her proud parents....
This picture makes me laugh every time I look at it! :) Cecilia and Trinity being goofy.

They look really into the movie huh....
Logan had a blast playing flag-football for the first time and last week we had their team dinner/trophy presentation at Mama's Pizza....can I get a mmmmm...yummy! Coach French was so courageous to coach the kindergarten boys and he did a great job. Thanks Coach!!

Logan and his he has a baseball, basketball and football trophy. Should we invest in a trophy case for him? :)

The Thunderbolts excited to get their trophies....or the pizza....

Logan and Christopher...these two have been watching Saints Football together since they were babies!
Later this week......Gene and I attended Kansas' musical project performance. Everyone in her class had to make their own instrument and play it in front of the 4th grade students and parents. She didn't ask for any help from us....and it turned out great. Gene says the reason it turned out great is cause she DIDN'T ask for help!:) She used a box and paper towel rolls...and a few other random things. She decorated it with pictures of animals and called it the Wild Percussion.
Here she is playing her can see some of the other ones in the background

Daddy and I were very proud of our girlie

Daddy and I were very proud of our girlie

Kansas and her proud parents....
Since we have been so busy, we decided just to have movie night this Friday. I must say...I was so excited just to be home and do nothing. Sometimes I feel guilty for paying a mortgage cause we are hardly ever home! :) We rented Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs and grabbed some pizza. My friend Jenny called and asked if Cecilia could join us...we gladly accepted! The kids haven't gotten to hang out with her since volleyball season and they just adore her! We all had a lot of fun and Cecilia was the life of the party!
This picture makes me laugh every time I look at it! :) Cecilia and Trinity being goofy.

They look really into the movie huh....

Ummm...I sure hope Cecilia's daddy doesn't see this one....that will be the end of Logan being recruited by TCU...haha!

Love love love this cute are these 3 babies. We had a great time hanging at home and are so glad Cecilia came to visit.

Today the girls and Logan have basketball games. They both play at the same different cities.. :) so needless to say, Gene and I are splitting up to get it covered. I get to watch Logan so check back later for more pictures. He is so ready to play! His game is at noon and he has been asking me since 8am, "When are we leaving to my game Mommy?" Have a great..LONG weekend everyone!
Many Blessings,
Thursday, January 14, 2010
This One Hit Home....
Prayers going out to the people of Haiti....couldn't even imagine. My problems are so very small.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
When You're Worried
From the end of the earth I will cry to You, when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
— Psalm 61:2Without question, life is full of troubles. We have concerns about our future, concerns about our health, concerns about our family, concerns about our finances, and the list goes on. Things happen that scare us—and sometimes even terrify us. There are things that concern us, things that alarm us, and things that cause us to be filled with anxiety.Everyone worries a little. We all have anxiety. I admit that I worry, and I don't say that proudly. Worry is not a virtue. In fact, it can be a sin in which we are failing to trust in God. So I have a suggestion: the next time you are tempted to worry, pray instead.Prayer is the way by which God helps us to overcome our anxiety and worry. We are told in Philippians 4:6–7, "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus" (NLT).Maybe God will take your problem away. That is possible. Then again, maybe He won't. But here is what happens: you get perspective. You see God for who He is, and thus you see your problem for what it is. If you have a big God, then you have a relatively small problem. But if you have a big problem, it may be that you have a small God, because you are not seeing Him in His glory and for what He can do.Prayer gives us His peace and His strength to help us get through whatever it is we are dealing with. That is what God does for the person who will call on Him.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
When You're Worried
From the end of the earth I will cry to You, when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
— Psalm 61:2Without question, life is full of troubles. We have concerns about our future, concerns about our health, concerns about our family, concerns about our finances, and the list goes on. Things happen that scare us—and sometimes even terrify us. There are things that concern us, things that alarm us, and things that cause us to be filled with anxiety.Everyone worries a little. We all have anxiety. I admit that I worry, and I don't say that proudly. Worry is not a virtue. In fact, it can be a sin in which we are failing to trust in God. So I have a suggestion: the next time you are tempted to worry, pray instead.Prayer is the way by which God helps us to overcome our anxiety and worry. We are told in Philippians 4:6–7, "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus" (NLT).Maybe God will take your problem away. That is possible. Then again, maybe He won't. But here is what happens: you get perspective. You see God for who He is, and thus you see your problem for what it is. If you have a big God, then you have a relatively small problem. But if you have a big problem, it may be that you have a small God, because you are not seeing Him in His glory and for what He can do.Prayer gives us His peace and His strength to help us get through whatever it is we are dealing with. That is what God does for the person who will call on Him.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Just the Girls....

Go Inferno....GO GO Inferno! Kansas and Trinity had their first basketball game this weekend. All the girls are in Kansas' grade but they needed another player so Trinity offered to play. Even though she is playing 2 age groups up, she held her own!

Little pre-game speech by Coach. I just love watching my kids play sports! How cute are they getting in their huddle!

Kansas getting ready to steal the ball again. We lost 8-10 but we did well for the first game. Kansas scored ALL 8 points and Trinity did well handling the ball. Kansas is wearing my shoes in this picture and they are a size 10!!!! She has grown out of her basketball shoes that are practically brand new. I almost don't want to buy her a new pair for this short season because she will probably grow again before the next season!! By the way...I could never be a sports photographer....everytime I tried to get a picture of Kansas shooting....I would get just the wall or just the basket...hmmff! :)

Little pre-game speech by Coach. I just love watching my kids play sports! How cute are they getting in their huddle!

Kansas getting ready to steal the ball again. We lost 8-10 but we did well for the first game. Kansas scored ALL 8 points and Trinity did well handling the ball. Kansas is wearing my shoes in this picture and they are a size 10!!!! She has grown out of her basketball shoes that are practically brand new. I almost don't want to buy her a new pair for this short season because she will probably grow again before the next season!! By the way...I could never be a sports photographer....everytime I tried to get a picture of Kansas shooting....I would get just the wall or just the basket...hmmff! :)

The girls are working on their game faces in this picture. I think they are ready to play some ball! If you haven't noticed already, there is someone missing. Yep, the little man, Logan was hanging out with his friend Devin. The girls and I had a blast hanging out together. Daddy was hosting a basketball tournament so he was busy with that. It was just us girls!

We stopped by my office before the game to check on the MS tournament and see Daddy. Me and my sweet Trinity....geez...she is getting so tall also! Before I know it, I am going to be looking up at them. Not ready for that!!!

Me and my oldest, Kansas. I am so proud of both my girls. They did so well in their game! As soon as we got in the car they were telling me they can't wait for their next game. Sports are in their genes!! Gene and I both were athletes and we obviously both coach so it is neat to see our kids loving it too! It's also fun to watch my girls play together. What a blessing!! Hope 2010 is going well for everyone!
Many Blessings,
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year!!
Oh's 2010!!! Can you believe it? Don't these two look so fired up!!!

And then you have these two....what is it with guys and not smiling for pictures? I don't get it!

Now us girls know how to smile! :) Me and my girlie Amanda enjoying the NYE party.

And then you have these two....what is it with guys and not smiling for pictures? I don't get it!

Now us girls know how to smile! :) Me and my girlie Amanda enjoying the NYE party.
(dang crutch had to get in the picture!)

Oh his mouth curled up a little....I promise I didn't have to threaten him. Not this time at least. haha
Our friend John hosted a NYE party for the baseball/basketball boys and of course their parents were allowed to attend! We decided we would make a homemade pinata and let the kids go at it. Well I didn't think that plan all the way through and we just ended up letting the kids punch it instead of using a bat. Look at Gene taking one for the team and putting himself in harms way. What a trooper!
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