Ever since I got home, my kids have been talking non-stop about Michael Jackson. So weird because they didn't know about him until he died. They have been singing his songs and Logan even imitates him. He was my favorite singer growing up so it is funny to see them show interest in his music. Logan decided to make his own music and perform on stage (aka my ottoman) for me tonight. It is pretty funny....take a look for yourself. (don't forget to pause my playlist down on the right before you play it)
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
So Long San Diego-Thank You MARTINS!!
I have landed safely in the Lone Star State. My trip was awesome and I look forward to returning with the family next month. I would like to say a HUGE thank you to the Martin Family, Uncle Chris, Aunt Liz and Brigette. I always stay at their house every summer and they are so good to me. They always make sure I have the best time and I really do appreciate their hospitality. I love y'all!
My Aunt Liz and I always visit the Del Mar Fair and junk food is a must! We had donuts, curly fries and chocolate chip cookies (my favorite). After the fair, we headed for the pool at my Aunt Gloria and Uncle Glen's house.

Here is my Uncle Chris and cousin, Brigette enjoying the pool party.

Relaxing in the pool after the fair was so nice. I got to hang out and visit with my cousins, Nick, Brooke (who is 21 today...Happy Bday Cousin!!) and Sierra.

Relaxing in the pool after the fair was so nice. I got to hang out and visit with my cousins, Nick, Brooke (who is 21 today...Happy Bday Cousin!!) and Sierra.
Like I said before, we have a huge family. Here is a pic of just some of the girl cousins.

I got Dakota this shirt at the fair for her birthday. It says "Sorry, I Only Like Boys With Tatoos"! Here she is with her Daddy.

On the way to the fair, we stopped to see Aunt Vi and Savannah's new house. It is way cute and absolutely perfect for them!

Here is yet another beautiful view of beautiful California. I had a great time and loved seeing my family. See y'all next month and thanks again for everything!

Here is yet another beautiful view of beautiful California. I had a great time and loved seeing my family. See y'all next month and thanks again for everything!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
We Are Family...I got all my Aunties, Cousins, Uncles & Me
Today started at the hair salon (after our shred workout that is). Aunt Liz's hairstylist, Rainey did an awesome job! Thanks Rainey...I love my new style! Of course when you get a new haircut, you must go out on the town to show it off right? Well we did just that. Here my Aunt Liz and I are about to leave for downtown San Diego.

We picked up my Aunt Deneen and then met up at my Uncle Steve's condo. Look at his view...isn't it cool. He was our tour guide for the evening.

My cousin Sierra and her boyfriend, Jesse met us out as well. It was so good to see her. They make such a cute couple.

Me and my cousin enjoying a beverage and appetizer at the Side Bar....a cool little joint my Uncle took us to.

After the Side Bar we headed to the J-Bar which is at the top of the hotel. It had a view of downtown San Diego...very nice.

Here is the view of Petco Park where the Padres play. We are going to go to a Padres game when we come back in July.

The best part of the evening was when Heavenly Cupcakes stayed open for us (yes, we called and asked) and we got to indulge in a midnight cupcake!

I had a great time hanging with my family. Thanks Uncle Steve for being the best tour guide ever!! Today we are off to the Del Mar Fair and then swimming at the Hedstroms. Tomorrow I fly home and I am going to give my kiddos and hubby a million kisses. I miss them but not looking forward to returning to the Texas Heat! Y'all have a good one!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Shop til ya Drop
One of the traditions of my Cali trip is to shop with my Auntie Liz. We definitely did just that yesterday. We hopped in the convertible and headed to the mall. It was so nice to try on clothes and not have to stop half dressed and yell out of the dressing room, "If you don't leave your sister alone, I am going to beat your butt". :) Can anyone relate? I also wasn't rushed because I kept hearing "I'm bored...are we almost done?" Don't get me wrong...I miss my kiddos ALOT but it was nice to relax and shop. Speaking of my kiddos....they are hanging at their Aunt Jessie's and Uncle Tim's house and having a blast. They love to play with their cousins. Gene has a tournament this weekend so the kids are glad to have a break from being a gym rat.

I have been continuing my workout regimen and here is a picture of one of the views from our hike. My Aunt Liz and I have been alternating between a hike and the 30 day shred. I need to work off the awesome burrito I had from Jalapenos yesterday!

This place is the best!! Yet another tradition....I always have a California burrito from here....it has french fries in it!! It is heavenly!! :)

K-5 is one of the local surf shops that I go to every summer. I always find the cutest tops here. I love it!!

Yes, we are twinkies!! We have added that to our list of traditions!! We always get a matching outfit. :) We actually have similar tastes and always agree on the cutest things when we shop. Wait til you see our matching jumper!! Soo cute. Well we are off to the hair salon today and then out on the town tonight. Staying busy but having a great time! Enjoy your weekend.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Time With My Little Cousins
Thursday was spent hanging out with my little cousins. Here I am with my Aunt Deneen and my cousins Peyton and Griffin. This is their new little Spanish bungalow....isn't it cute! We all went to eat at a Mexican Restaurant called Ponces. It's a hole in the wall with the best food! Peyton is going to come to Texas next summer and attend my volleyball camp. That will be a lot of fun.
This is Dakota, my great-cousin. Her mommy Kate (my cousin) wasn't feeling well so I got to hang out with her for a bit while my Aunt had a doctor's appointment. She is so gorgeous and has the cutest personality! We played dolls out on the patio until her Gigi got home.

This is Dakota's mommy, Kate and I way way back in the day. I know I know....what was I thinking when I got that haircut! Can you say Tomboy!! Well today we are going shopping at my favorite Surf Shop and my Aunt Anna and Uncle Ernie are coming in from Temecula. Can't wait to see them. Have a great weekend everyone....and by the way...for all of you in Texas, it is 80 degrees here! :)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Salon Day in Cali
Day 2 in California was busy but great. My Auntie Vi met me at Aunt Liz's house and we headed for our appointment at the nail salon. We got our mani and pedi and were on our way to meet Grandma for lunch. As you can see in the pic above, she wasn't in the best mood. I can't say I blame her.

After lunch with Grandma, we headed to Aunt Gloria's to have our own meal. We sat out on the patio and enjoyed each other's company and the view. Here my Aunt Vi is chatting away. Notice, I took the seat with the view.

Here is the front of my Aunt Gloria's house....my Uncle Glen did all that stone work himself. Isn't it gorgeous! If you haven't already noticed...I've got a huge family...there will be a quiz at the end of my trip to see if y'all remember everyone! haha

When we returned to my Aunt Liz's house, we found my sweet Cousin, Brigette trying to recover from having her tonsils out. No bueno!! We all had to join her and have some ice cream....you know me, I'll never turn down ice cream. She is a trooper!!

Here I am with my cousin Savannah. Isn't she adorable!! We sat outside and had carne asada for dinner....my new favorite dish...so yummy! After dinner, Aunt Liz, Uncle Chris and I went for a walk. Now remember California has mountains....this walk was no joke. My legs are feeling it this morning. Well there is more fun planned today....stay tuned!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Fun, Sun & Seniors...Day 1
I arrived in sunny California and my Aunt Liz and cousin, Brigette picked me up from the airport. The weather was so cool I almost needed a sweatshirt...HUGE change from Texas! We went straight to my Aunt Gloria's house and had a turkey wrap for lunch and headed down to the pool. Now that is what I'm talking about!! Here my cousins and I are soaking up the sun by the pool...the water was 90 degrees...so awesome!

After we got some sun, it was time to go feed Grandma her dinner. We went to her care facility and it was very sad. She didn't recognize me and her health has declined dramatically. Those places are not fun but I'm glad I was able to hang out with her whether or not she even knew I was there didn't matter. We will be back today to feed her some lunch. Don't I have the most beautiful Grandma!

We headed back to Aunt Gloria's for our dinner(couldn't stomach eating dinner at the nursing home). Uncle Glen put some burgers on the grill and we hung out and visited. Here is the view from where I was sitting at dinner...nice huh. That is my hottie Aunt Liz in the background. Sorry fellas she is taken!
We decided we would go for a night swim and after I put my suit on, I noticed I had already become a lobster from earlier! I love California....you can sunbathe and not feel like you are baking!

Here is the view as we headed down to our night swim. Having a great time! Check back tomorrow for more fun. Have a great day!
Monday, June 22, 2009
I'm Goin Back to Cali...Cali....Cali

I am so excited for my trip to California! I look forward to it every summer. I have a HUGE family out there and I love hanging out with them and building memories that I will keep with me forever. It is my break from "mommy-mode". I will miss the hubby and kiddos but we will all be going together in July...YEEHAW...bring on the BEACH! See y'all when I get back!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day!

Kansas and her Daddy...he looks pretty darn proud!
Logan getting trained by the best...his Dad!
I would like to wish a Happy Father's Day to the man who took care of me as I grew into an adult, my Dad and the man that has joined my Dad to finish what he started, my hubby!! They both still take care of me today and I have to say, I am one lucky girl!!! I love you both very much and want to thank you for always being there for me. My children have the best Papa and best Dad in the world! I love you both!!

Logan and his Papa

Trinity fishing with her Papa

Papa with his grandkids

Logan and his Papa

Trinity fishing with her Papa

Papa with his grandkids
Monday, June 15, 2009
Take Me Out to the Ballgame

The Pirates working on their cannonball skills...aww the joys of summer!

Cameron, Zack and Logan getting their gloves signed

Playing catch on the field before the game....

My friend, Amanda...doesn't she have a great name...haha
Logan and his buddy Cameron

Me and the Hubs....baking in the Texas heat
Yesterday we had Logan's end of the year baseball party. It was held at Quick Trip Park, home of the Grand Prairie AirHogs Baseball team. The cool thing is they have a swimming pool at center field and Logan and his teammates had it all to themselves. It was a lot of fun. We had a great time this season! Thanks again to the Coaches, John, Todd and Ryan and Team Mom's Cori and Stacy for all their hard work and to John and Sue Smrcina for their love and support for the 2009 Pirates! Can't wait for fall ball!!

Me and the Hubs....baking in the Texas heat
Yesterday we had Logan's end of the year baseball party. It was held at Quick Trip Park, home of the Grand Prairie AirHogs Baseball team. The cool thing is they have a swimming pool at center field and Logan and his teammates had it all to themselves. It was a lot of fun. We had a great time this season! Thanks again to the Coaches, John, Todd and Ryan and Team Mom's Cori and Stacy for all their hard work and to John and Sue Smrcina for their love and support for the 2009 Pirates! Can't wait for fall ball!!
Saturday, June 13, 2009

My Birthday Girl, Trinity Blake

Let the shopping begin!!

I am one proud Momma...look at these beautiful brats!

The kiddos watching a video as they get a pedicure....rough life they have
I am one lucky lady....look at these sexy legs on my hubby

Trin at the swim party...she is still smiling

Can you say BELLY FLOP!

CANNONBALL! Kansas kept wanting to leave the pool to go see their horses...surprise surprise!

Logan and his buddies
It is only Saturday night and we have already been to 2 parties and we have 2 more tomorrow!! I'm exhausted just thinking about it....ok not really. :) Gene has no basketball this weekend so he has been home with us enjoying all the crazy fun. Friday we took Trinity to the American Girl Store in Dallas so she could pick out what she wanted for her birthday. Her AG dolls have better wardrobes than me! Later that afternoon we headed to get a pedicure...as a family. It was awesome! The kids were so relaxed and quiet...they enjoyed every minute of it. I felt bad for the poor girl who drew the short straw and had to do my hubby's feet...haha! After we went to dinner, we headed home to have our usual "family movie night". Today Gene got a million pounds of ribs together for his friend's 50th birthday. He has been at the grill all afternoon. We are going to that party tomorrow along with Logan's end -of -the -year baseball party. Today while Gene grilled, we went to a swim party at our friend's, Crystal and Shawn. Their son and Logan play t-ball and basketball together. It has been busy but fun and I'm looking forward to hanging with friends tomorrow. Have a great rest of your weekend! I better hit the sack!
Many Blessings,
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