Can you believe he was 9lb 11oz at birth?
What happened to my chubby baby boy?

Shirts vs. Skins....Go Stars!
Logan is beginning his 3rd season playing basketball at the YMCA. We went to practice tonight and at the end of practice, the coaches had them scrimmage. Since they didn't have any pinnies to wear so the kids knew who was on their team, they played shirts vs. skins. It was the funniest thing to see the looks on the boys faces when the coach told certain boys to take their shirts off....priceless!! After the coaches finally got the shirts off, the boys were so modest....except Logan...of course! He just got back in the game and started playing. I remember watching Gene play in skins at the Hoop-it-Up outdoor tournaments...hubba hubba. I am sure glad my kids have his good genes when it comes to muscle tone!! Logan is only 5 and has a six-pack...not fair! I know Logan will play in many more shirts vs. skins games but I will definitely never forget his first...too funny!