Phew...we made it home safely from a great vacation and my season starts in less than 12 hours! The trip to San Antonio was filled with lots of fun and memories that we will keep forever. On the way down, we stopped off at the Snake Farm (not my idea) and saw all the neat animals and of course snakes. Leave it to Logan to step in the mud puddle made by the cute pigs. There was also a very obscene but funny monkey that actually tried to catch the food you threw him. If he didn't catch it, he gave you a dirty look and grabbed a certain part of his body. Unfortunately Logan thought it would be funny to demonstrate this behavior when we got to the hotel. "Daddy..the monkey did this to us". Just great! We stopped by the River Walk mall for a bit then headed to the hotel. Once we checked in, we made our way to the pool. Man, those swimming lessons sure did pay off...my kids are fish! Thanks "Coach" Pam. Gene and I enjoyed a nice cold beverage at the pool bar and joined the kids for some swimming. We got showered and dressed for a nice dinner at Pericos (which means Parrot in Spanish...i guessed it too). It was a wonderful Mexican food place with great Sangrias! Our adventure then lead us to Wal-Mart...don't all adventures lead there? We picked up some games, chess and battleship and headed back to the hotel for Game Night. The girls played chess (they learn in Kindergarten at All Saints'...I don't even know how)and Gene and Logan played me in Battleship. The boys beat me but it was close!! The hotel was showing a movie by the pool "Rattotuie" or however you spell it and the kids made smores by the fire pits. It was a great ending to a great day! We woke early and headed to Sea World. It was HOT!! I had tan lines when I got there but they were gone when I left. We rode the rides, saw the shows and fed the dolphins. Eight hours later we headed back to the hotel to jump in the pool and cool off. IT was daddy's turn to choose the Restaurant so SEAFOOD it was. It was an ok place (Pericos was better) but the important thing was we were together. We ended our vacation with a bit of history...the Alamo. Not as exciting as Sea World but the kids enjoyed it. Enjoy the slide shows of our fun time. Thank you God for allowing us to have the time and money to get away with our children!!