Monday, June 23, 2008
Swim Lessons
I enrolled the kids in swim lessons and today we had the first class. Logan went first and he has NO FEAR!!! He learned how to talk to the fish(face in the water) and listen to the fish (ear in the water and breathe). He makes me so nervous because he thinks he can just jump into the deep end and he will be fine. He also kept calling Ms. Pam, his swim instructor, "Coach". you think the boy is around sports very much!! The girls went next and they did great. Kansas actually swam across the deep end by herself. I feel bad for not getting them lessons sooner. Trinity used a floating device around her waist but she has the prettiest strokes. I am very proud of my kiddos.
Basketball Season #2

Logan had game 1 of season 2 for YMCA basketball last Saturday. I wish I knew how to put video on my blog...but then again all you would hear is me yelling!! I have a picture of Logan warming up before his game. Interesting tongue action he has got going on...and I have no idea what he is doing with his feet. The other picture is after they got their new uniforms. Yes, that is a black eye he is sporting. Having a boy has definitely been a lot different than having girls! His team lost and that is the first thing he said to me after he walked off the floor..."Mommy, they won and we lost!". He was not happy but I like that he wants to win and doesn't like losing!! I will miss the girls first game which is on Friday but I will make sure to get some pics of them on the blog when I get back.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Logan's 1st DINGBAT

As I mentioned in an earlier blog, Logan asked me for a "dingbat" know..a bat those goes "ding" when the ball hits it. Well our wonderful baseball coach at All Saints' told Gene and I that he would give Logan one of his sons old bats. This afternoon while Gene and Logan were at school practicing on the shooting machine (basketball)...Coach Hardgrove brought Logan his first "dingbat". I received a phone call from the happiest 4 year old ever... "Mom..Coach brought me a dingbat...will you play baseball with me when I get home?" I did throw a little batting practice when he got home and as you can see in the picture, he didn't want to let that "dingbat" out of his site! He fell asleep in our bed with it tucked in right beside him. Our little guy is something special!!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Lots Going On.....
The last 4 weeks have been so busy but fortunately jammed pack with family time! Kansas had a birthday in May and Trinity followed in June. Kansas had her party at Benbrook Stables because she loves horses. The weather was beautiful and everyone had a blast. Trinity's favorite restaurant is Texas Roadhouse so we took her there for her Birthday dinner. She gets to go to the American Girl Store in Dallas to buy a doll and then she will get to go to the AG camp at All Saints'. This past weekend we spent Father's Day in Houston with the family. It is always fun to get the cousins together and spend time with my sisters. The slide show should show a few pics from all the recent events. Stay tuned for some pictures of the kids playing in their basketball league and my annual trip to California. I am looking forward to my time in San Diego. I love visiting with all my aunties and cousins and of course my uncles are great too!See y'all soon!!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
Like Father, Like Son

There is no doubt Logan is going to grow up to be like his daddy. They love hanging out together and it is so fun to watch them. This picture was taken at Gene's Memorial Day Tournament that he hosted in Denton. It was a huge tournament and a huge success. The kids and I went out there to hang out with him and show our support. Of course Logan had to sit with his dad on the bench during one of his games. We have the greatest kids. They are troopers for sure. Yesterday we were at All Saints' with basketball camp until 6pm and then the kids went with me to my sand volleyball game from 7-9. They are awesome and Gene and I are very blessed!
Easter in Sugarland
Me and the Man
Junior and Logan
Nana and Papa with some of the grandkids
We spent Easter in the most appropriate place..."Sugarland". Millicent, Stephen and Junior welcomed us and we had a great time. They have the most fun garage and it is just a place where we love to hang out. Family time is awesome. My kids get so excited when they get to see their cousins. I have 3 gorgeous nephews and hopefully one day I will have a niece! No pressure Mill and Stephen!! :)

At the All Saints' Gala

In April, All Saint's had a Gala and the theme was "Follow the Yellow Brick Road". We had a lot of fun. I didn't get any pictures of Gene and I but a friend from work sent me one of us coaches. We usually are in shorts and t-shirts with our running shoes but this evening we got to get all dolled up!! We clean up pretty well!!
Down at the Farm
Nana and Papa with their Grandkids

The kids love to hang out at the farm with their cousins and of course, Nana and Papa. We spent Mother's Day weekend there and we had a blast!! Logan caught his first fish and as soon as I figure out how to upload pictures from my new camera(my mother's day gift) I will get a picture of Logan and his fish!!
Logan and Daddy

This is one of my favorite pictures of Logan and Gene. It was taken in the spring of 2004. I had to get this one on my blog. It is amazing how fast they grow up...yes I mean Gene also! :) My son is going to be 5 in a few months and will start his second season of basketball in a couple of weeks. After I finish this entry, Logan and I are going to go outside to play baseball. He asked me yesterday if I could buy him a "dingbat". I said "a what?" and he said "a dingbat know the bat that makes a noise when you hit the ball. I guess he has gotten too big for the cheap, plastic bats. He needs a real bat!! I love you son!!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
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