Wednesday, December 11, 2013
It's Been Awhile...
So it has been quite awhile since I have posted on my blog. I am really going to try doing this again. It is a nice way to document our crazy, busy life that seems to be going by so fast. My season was fantastic and my 3 kiddos are enjoying their sports as well. Love watching them play. Looking forward to the holiday season. Love spending time with the people I love.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Life as a KNIGHT
Sometimes I still can't believe we are no longer living in the DFW! I am so proud of the kiddos and how well they handled the transition to our new home. They love their new schools and our new neighborhood which I call Suburbia. :) It has been so nice being able to spend time with our family more often.
My season started in early August and now there are only a few weeks left. Where does the time go? I was nervous and excited to meet my new team. Had no idea how they would respond to my coaching style and philosophies. I was so close to my team at my old school and knew that they understood me and trusted in me. Would that be the case at Episcopal? I am confident in what I do but you never know how new surrounding will be. I can happily tell you that after 3 months I absolutely adore my girls. It's almost like being a don't stop loving your other children when you have more. :) I still keep in touch with my old players and look forward to seeing them at the SPC tournament. Thank goodness they forgive me for leaving them! :) My new team has worked so hard for me all season and has listened to every word I said ...ahem or yelled. They have improved so much and I hope they realize how proud I am to be their coach.
I was also nervous to start a new job because I would be working with new people. I think that I am easy to get along with but that's my opinion! :) Thankfully the coaching staff is awesome and fun and most importantly, professional. They work hard, care about the kids and set a good example for their athletes. One of them has also become my very dear friend. Now that's a blessing!!
Sometimes I think back to last spring when I was making the decision to change jobs and wonder what if....but then I quickly realize that God loves me so much that he created this special plan just for me and my family. I miss my friends and my sweet Saints team but know they're in good hands.
I feel very blessed to have a team of 13 girls that want improve and continue to work hard. I am thankful for my wonderful coaching staff that helps me keep it together. Looking forward to building this program with all of you. GO KNIGHTS
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Rombeau Tennis Family of the Year
Rombeau Boys...Charlie, John, Bill and Jim
My blog has undergone a facelift! I had a long post written up but unfortunately I forgot to click "save" and it all disappeared. as soon as I get back from my game, I will try my "family update" again. I rude of me to keep you in suspense! :) For now I will leave you with some old school pics of the Rombeau family. When my Grandpa Lee wasn't delivering babies and my Nan wasn't at home cleaning up after four boys, they were at the La Jolla Beach and Tennis Club playing tennis. All of my uncles were very talented at the sport. What handsome young men they were! :)
Hope you enjoy my new blog. Have a great day....GO KNIGHTS!!
Friday, May 18, 2012
To Be Young Again....
I must say that it feels really weird blogging again. It has been awhile but life has been keeping me on my toes to say the least. I wanted to make sure I post today cause it was a very special day....Kansas turned 13!! WARNING....we have a teenager in the house!! Before we celebrated her big day we had to endure our annual field day. The kids went through their usual stations like the 50 yard dash and the tennis ball throw.
Trinity and her sweet friends.
The birthday girl and her buddies. After field day we headed over to one of Kansas' friend's house to for a going-away/birthday party. You may be asking "going-away party"...or it's most likely you already know why cause you are reading my blog which means you are one of my family members! :)
If you don't know I guess you will have to wait for that post....which is coming soon. :)
Kansas has been friends with these sweet girls ever since Kindergarten.
Their faces make me smile. They had an absolute BLAST together today and they
are such good friends. I know they will be friends forever!
Kansas loves Mickey Mouse and my friend, Debra made her the most amazing cake!!
One of Kansas' going-away gifts. She will take a little fleur and plaid with her! :)
It's hard to believe it was 13 years ago that we brought her home from the hospital. Life has changed so much and continues to on a daily basis. One thing that has not changed is the fact that I am blessed to be her mom and she is a wonderful daughter. She is sensitive, compassionate and her smile always lights up a room. We love you Kansas and look forward to continuing to watch you grow into a beautiful young woman.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Im BACK.....
It has been so long since I have updated my blog I almost forgot how to create a new post! We have been busy as usual but things are good. Our episode has come out for Sports Dads and it was fun to watch. Hopefully you will eventually get to watch it on .

We enjoyed getting to meet Deion Sanders. He is a very down to earth guy. After watching the episode it seems like the kids have grown so much!!

Another exciting thing that has happened is Gene and I had date night! :) Yes, it doesn't happen very often. We went to the Backdoor Comedy Club and then stayed out in Dallas. Of course the next morning we were up early so we could get to the kids sporting events.

I am also excited to announce that since it is baseball season again, the Amanda's are back together!! haha

Logan is doing much better pitching since his first debut (THANK GOODNESS). I am proud of him for working at it on his own. He really loves it and we love watching him....and I love hanging with my girlie Amanda. :)

Logan looks so small compared to the other team's catcher. :) Love my Booga Bear or Radio as his coaches call him.

The Amanda's in their Sox gear. Yes, I am wearing St. Patty's socks and I caught a lot of flack about my attire but we won both games that day so they are my LUCKY SOX now. :)
Kansas, Trinity and I are still involved with TAV volleyball. I will try to get some pictures of them this weekend and post so I don't leave them out. :) Thanks for stopping by.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Farewell Fuentes

My dear friend, Jenny is moving to Memphis and I am super excited for the opportunity for her husband and their family but also super sad. I will miss her and her sweet girls.

Jenny came to coach with me 5 years ago. Her hubby was hired as one of the TCU football coaches. She wanted to coach just to get out of the house for a little bit. How lucky could I get!! She was a former college coach and DI volleyball player. We all instantly became good friends!

We hung out together at football manis together but most often just enjoyed some good girl chat and laughs....mostly at Whitney's expense. Just kiddin Whit! :)

My kids love playing with Cecilia and I have already promised them we would go visit the Fuentes in Tiger Country! ROAD TRIP!!

Fun...froggy style! :)
I am thankful that God blessed me with such a sweet friend. Jenny is such a devoted wife and wonderful mom. I will miss her and those sweet girls but look forward to all the opportunities that are in store for her and her family. Thank you Jenny for being such a great friend.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
My Sweet Uncle Bill

My father is the youngest of four boys. Although I did not ever get to meet my Uncle Charlie and have only seen my Uncle John once, I did get the chance to spend many summers with my sweet Uncle Bill. We had lots of fun hanging with him. I remember driving in his Volkswagon van to his Raquet Club. My sisters and I would run around the place and play while he worked. What single guy do you know that would offer to keep his nieces during the summer! My Uncle Bill was a family man and he loved kids!! He couldn't wait to be a Dad! He eventually gave up Bachelorhood and married my beautiful Aunt Sharon. She is a driven, career-minded woman and I love that about her. She would take my sisters and I to Universal Studios when we would visit. Another fond memory.....

Aunt Sharon and Uncle Bill were soon blessed with 2 gorgeous daughters, Kira and Nicole. Being their father brought so much joy to my Uncle Bill.

Kira's graduation

My Uncle Bill and his girls....

My Uncle Bill stayed active even after he was diagnosed with Parkinsons. He is a Rombeau and he is a fighter. I can still hear my Nan's voice saying that about us Rombeaus. :)

The Rombeaus....I am so glad we were all able to have a reunion. It is always so good to be surrounded by family.

The Rombeau boys...Uncle John, Uncle Bill and my dad.

We got to visit my Aunt Sharon and Uncle Bill in Los Angeles.

I am thankful for all the times I had with my Uncle Bill. So many fond memories I will cherish forever. He was my Uncle and Godfather and I am blessed to have had him in my life. I am so grateful for my Aunt Sharon, the love of his life who took such good care of him until his very last breath. I pray for her and my cousins. The loss of a loved one is difficult but we will be reunited with him again one day. We love you Uncle Bill!! Rest in peace.
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